New Hope's mission is To develop lifelong learners who know Christ and His teachings

What makes New Hope different?

  • At New Hope, it is our mission to develop life long learners who know Christ and His teachings.  Chapel is held regularly...  Our children learn songs and prayers and are introduced to both old and new Testament Bible stories. We pray before snack and meals, and each December we put on "The Greatest Story Ever Told" Christmas pageant. 
  • At New Hope, each class stays together for the full year!  Classes are based on the age of the children as of June 1 for Summer Camp and September 1 for the school year and we do not move children to new classes on their birthday.  This allows our children to build healthy relationships and trust with their teacher and their classmates.  The class learns and grows together throughout the school year.  Our teachers truly know their children and are able to customize their curriculum and classroom management to help each child achieve success and reach milestones toward their next steps.

  • New Hope offers an incredible array of attendance options with reasonable rates which are customized to your child's specific schedule.  There are certain limitations and expectations for attendance, but overall we are very flexible and also offer several discounts.  Click here to see our schedule and rate options.  Click here to read more about the different programs we offer.

  • New Hope is a ministry and as such, we are committed to providing a program that cares for our enrolled children, their families, our staff and our staff's families.

Come be a part of the New Hope Family

(817) 428-9393

Registration Open - We've Added Classes!

Now Registering for 2025 Summer Camp and 2025-2026 School Year  

Call for details and to schedule a tour!!! 817-428-9393

2025-2026 Instructional Calendar and Rates now published:  Click Here